Hello Students,
I teach beginner level online English classes up to upper intermediate levels. I am a native English-speaking teacher from Canada. The curriculum I developed is based off of the CEFR standards. CEFR stands for The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. A1-Basic English, A2-Beginner, B1-Intermediate, B2-Upper Intermediate. I have produced 16 lessons for A1 & A2 and B1 & B2 courses.
In the past I have used slides and articles with all my students which helped them in all areas of English. I have selected a large number of articles on dozens of topics to use with my students. Please go to the COURSES A1-A2 page and the COURSES B1-B2 page to read a brief summary of what the lessons are about.
Any new courses I create or announcements I need to make will be
mentioned on the What’s on the horizon? page.
Tutor Brenda

When I studied to get my TESOL/TEFL and Business certificates I was surprised by the number of projects, essays and tests I needed to do. I found it daunting at times. I felt like I had a huge mountain in front of me. Sometimes I was encouraged by this but other times I wasn’t. My goal is to help you enjoy reaching your English goals.